The airports of Berlin Schönefeld [SFX] and Berlin Tegel [TXL] are both easy to reach from Potsdam.
You can check Momondo or Opodo for cheap flights. Airberlin, Easyjet and Germanwings usually have the cheapest fares.
The closest main train station is Potsdam Hauptbahnhof. You can easily reach the conference venue at Potsdam Park Sanssoussi from there.
Check the website of the Deutsche Bahn for national and European transport schedules and the search engine of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg for local transportation.
By bus from Potsdam Main Station (Potsdam Hauptbahnhof), take the lines
695, 606 and 605 or X5.
By local train from Potsdam Main Station (Potsdam Hauptbahnhof) take the lines
RE 1, RB 21 or RB 20 from Potsdam Main Station (Potsdam Hauptbahnhof).
By car take the highway A10 - exit Potsdam Nord - B 273 direction Potsdam - Amundsenstraße, direction Neues Palais
take highway A10 exit Potsdam Süd - B 2 direction Potsdam - Breite Straße - Zeppelinstraße - Geschwister-Scholl-Str. - Am Neuen Palais.