Post doc. for Analytic Philosopher – Making Sense of Games

itupostdocIT-University of Copenhagen offers a post doc. position for an analytic philosopher as a part of the project “Making Sense of Games”.  From the announcement:

Job description
The two-year position is connected to the five-year ERC-funded project MSG – Making Sense of Games, at the Center for Computer Game Research at the IT University of Copenhagen. The successful candidate will work as part of a dedicated team (PI Espen Aarseth, three PhD students, one additional post.doc) to create a theoretical platform for game analysis. The position’s main task is to participate in the core project activities of developing analytical concepts and models for game ontology.

The ideal candidate should document:

  • strong qualifications (PhD) in analytic philosophy (preferably philosophy of mind and/or philosophy of language) and solid qualifications in game studies
  • research publications at a high international level in well-respected peer reviewed venues

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